Saturday, September 12, 2009

Puzzling Moments Create Sweet Memories

Norman Rockwell captured the hearts of America with his Saturday Evening Post covers depicting various scenes from our lives at that time. One in particular strikes memories for me as it had been turned into a puzzle. The scene show a gray haired doctor preparing the needle and a young boy staring steadfastly into the wall. He has red hair cut in the crew cut style so popular in the fifties. His trousers are pulled down slightly exposing a small portion of his rump. He is awaiting the inevitable sting of he needle as the doctor is about to approach with needle in hand. The boys mouth is taught and his eyes continue to stare straight into the wall. This scene created the puzzle my mother and I put together one evening. As puzzles go this one wasn't extremely difficult. The scene afforded many different objects allowing us to decipher their whereabouts that much easier. So it wasn't the level of difficulty that created this sweet memory but that of Mom and I sitting at the kitchen table in a mini competition for finding the next piece. Just as Norman Rockwell was trying to depict the simpler aspects of life and create connections and now nostalgia, I looked a puzzle laid out uncompleted on a table the other day and this memory of simpler times, this memory of nostalgia swept over me filling me with happiness that cannot be falsely created. Thanks Mom.

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