Saturday, February 28, 2009


Walking along smoking a cigarette the fire comes too close to the end and it starts to taste bad. Casually the butt gets flipped to the pavement to rot for the next five years. As the ice melts in the soda it no longer tastes like its fresh so it too can be tossed aside. Soon a car will flatten it out and we won't see it as easily. We live in a trash can. No need to empty the can, or replace the plastic bags, simply fill the streets and the wind will wash it clean. I too was a participant once even though I was taught in the Boy Scouts to carry out more than you brought in. I adhered to that belief for many years until caught in the senseless mindset of that part of society. Someone else will clean up after me. Is this the core belief of those who trash our world? As I aged a bit more I gave up that only me attitude and always find the proper place for my trash. I watch during rush hour as the butt of a smoke comes flying out the window and I think that they are filthy pigs without any cares for our shrinking planet. The leftover bag from a fast food joint lays at the curb waiting for the cleaning crew. Plastic grocery bags fly in the wind only pausing to adorn our trees. What ever happened to the commercial of the noble chief looking out upon the horizon of cement and trash strewn freeways. A tear rolling down his cheek. Have we forgotten the needs of Mother Earth so easily? Are we satisfied that we are simply Green? Remember to carry out more than you brought in. Live with these words in your heart and make this a cleaner world for all of us.

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