Tonight was one of those rare evenings when the temperature is still 95 degrees but it feels like it is in the eighties. This is sometimes common here in Arizona fooling you into thinking it is cooler than it really is. We, the Kira Dawg and I, started a walk heading West through the neighborhood. The first thought I had just as I passed the driveway was how beautiful the crescent moon was tonight. It glowed a semi-bright golden color and with Venus high in the sky overhead illuminating the rim of the moon in a way that outlined it in a low blue hue.
There were other planets shining too as I had read sometime earlier in the month that they would be showing but the city lights and my lack of astral knowledge will leave them nameless for tonight.
We walked all the way to the end of the neighborhood as far west as we could go without going onto the main roads. Stopping only long enough for Kira Dawg to do the things dogs like to do when passing fresh grass.
As we rounded the corner now heading East, I could not help to notice how dull and dark the night sky had become now. But as we continued it became brighter and brighter. Not from bright stars, not from planets soaring closer to Earth but from giant, no humongous signs flashing every few seconds hawking the cars from the near by dealers. Bright enough to cast shadows and light the windows on the row of homes across from it. I am glad not to live in those homes.
As we reached the end we once more turned West. The crescent moon was lower in the horizon now and glowed a deeper golden orange as Venus had soared farther overhead. No longer was the moon illuminated in soft blue yet it was still brilliant and radiating warmth. As if we needed it here, the perspiration now starting to bead and the dog's tongue was dangling outside of its mouth.
As our journey ended we were both feeling better. Kira Dawg is now sprawled across the floor and I in my recliner. The fan is blowing cool air and the night is becoming still. I would not trade the moments for anything as they only happen once. Moments in time are nothing but fleeting dandelions you try to catch and hold onto. And if and when one is lucky enough to capture one, it will self destruct within a blink of an eye once again confirming time will not rest.
There were other planets shining too as I had read sometime earlier in the month that they would be showing but the city lights and my lack of astral knowledge will leave them nameless for tonight.
We walked all the way to the end of the neighborhood as far west as we could go without going onto the main roads. Stopping only long enough for Kira Dawg to do the things dogs like to do when passing fresh grass.
As we rounded the corner now heading East, I could not help to notice how dull and dark the night sky had become now. But as we continued it became brighter and brighter. Not from bright stars, not from planets soaring closer to Earth but from giant, no humongous signs flashing every few seconds hawking the cars from the near by dealers. Bright enough to cast shadows and light the windows on the row of homes across from it. I am glad not to live in those homes.
As we reached the end we once more turned West. The crescent moon was lower in the horizon now and glowed a deeper golden orange as Venus had soared farther overhead. No longer was the moon illuminated in soft blue yet it was still brilliant and radiating warmth. As if we needed it here, the perspiration now starting to bead and the dog's tongue was dangling outside of its mouth.
As our journey ended we were both feeling better. Kira Dawg is now sprawled across the floor and I in my recliner. The fan is blowing cool air and the night is becoming still. I would not trade the moments for anything as they only happen once. Moments in time are nothing but fleeting dandelions you try to catch and hold onto. And if and when one is lucky enough to capture one, it will self destruct within a blink of an eye once again confirming time will not rest.